So what, exactly, is

The 5 Dollar Difference?!

The 5 Dollar Difference isn’t just a book, it’s a movement! It’s about giving back to your community in small ways that make a big difference!

In my book, I share some of my experiences of giving back, along with some inspirational stories from participants of The 5 Dollar Difference presentations.

You’ll read what a class full of 5th graders did with a handful of $5 bills, how they inspired me, and how they’ll inspire you, too!

Want to know how many meals one student turned his 5 dollars into? Was it 100? 250? 500?!?

It’s in the book! Get your copy here!

What is The 5 Dollar Difference?

The 5 Dollar Difference is a FREE presentation where participants learn analogies and hear real-world examples of how they can expand their giving to make the biggest impact possible and each participant receives a $5 bill to go make a difference in their communities right then!

An age old question is ‘Can money buy happiness?’, so what do you think? Can money buy happiness? I’m sure you’re already thinking, ‘Of course not!’, but I digress…

Now I know this might be a new thought for some of you, but your money doesn’t really matter… what you put it into, does. Let me explain…

If I gave you a million dollars and you put it in your safe, in 5 years it would still be one million dollars. It wouldn’t change at all.

If you put it into a high interest savings account, in 5 years you’d have quite a bit more. But what if you put that same million into a lucrative investment?

In 5 years, you’d likely have significantly more money. So the money doesn’t really matter, what you put it into does!

Now using that frame of mind, what if I told you the way we spend our money can and does effect our happiness?!

Science has proven that there's so much good that comes from ‘prosocial’ spending, or giving to someone other than ourselves.

When we give to others, whether it’s 5 million dollars, or 5 dollars, there are real, tangible positive changes in us mentally, emotionally, and even physically... all the way down to our spit! (You read that right!)

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter where you live, how much money you have or give, or even how old you are... when you give to others, YOU are happier!

And who doesn’t want to be happier?!?

Let's get started!